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Tart Lime Margaritas Recipe

tart lime margarita recipe
Tart Lime Margaritas Recipe

If you’re not into margaritas made with pre-made “margarita mix–just add tequila!” then this is the recipe for you. I’ve never been into any recipe for margaritas that contain the word “mixer” or  even “simple syrup” because I like my margaritas to be tart, limey, and traditionally made with tequila, triple sec, and lime juice. And that’s it!  I totally understand that this recipe will not be for everyone, but those who like it puckery tart, this one’s for you!

tart lime margarita recipe

Ingredients for 2 margaritas:

Limes, fresh squeezed, enough juice to make 3/4 cup
4.5 oz silver tequila
1.5 oz triple sec
agave nectar, to taste
coarse salt

Pour salt into a saucer, and rub cut lime around the rims of two glasses. Place upside down in the salt to stick. Combine tequila, lime juice, and triple sec with ice cubes into a shaker and shake vigorously. Pour into the two glasses (over ice if desired) and stir in agave nectar to taste.


tart lime margarita recipe

tart lime margarita recipe

Parker Street Food & Travel

Eating and Exploring in New England & Beyond

One thing you’ll always see on the table at a NC barbecue spot is a bottle of @texaspetesauces. If you don’t know, this is not a product from Texas but a North Carolina product. My whole life, I have never really seen anybody put anything on their bbq other than Texas Pete. 

Fun fact about me: in the 4th grade in Kernersville NC we had a guy from the Texas Pete family come to speak to my 4th grade class. This would have been 1987 or 88. Must have been great marketing, because I never forgot it. 

Lexington Barbecue is not even on IG as far as I can find but they are world famous and I’m glad I got to stop by last week. Shown here: Chopped bbq plate with red slaw, fries, and hushpuppies. #ncbbq #lexingtonbbq #texaspete #bbq #barbecue